Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Dimension to 11 people? Is it true?

                This time try wrote about the dimension to 11 people , It was assumed that there were 11 human dimension. But what can we feel only 3 dimension . 
                The parable him like fish in a aquarium. The fish live without know what's happening outside aquarium . Even so, with people who live in the world 3 dimensions, we won't know what's happening outside the world 3 dimensional us.
                If that causes the dimensions so there were 11 I also know how his theory, a little bit complicated possible. But setau I started his theory of the theory super symmetry, then go to a string theory, and finally to M-Theory that explains that the world we have 11 dimensions. 
                Super Theory as symmetry said that before it happens big bang, to-4 fundamental forces (later we will discuss 4 fundamental forces ;) ) join became a force that are usually called  super force. And when space and time to develop, super force was to terpisah2 to 4 fundamental forces that we know now. But there is a strange thing from this event, which is one of fundamental forces are very weak compared with the 3 fundamental forces other, namely gravity. It was assumed that gravity is very weak because gravity must pass through to 11 other dimensions when separated from super force. An example that gravitational force, it is very weak is, try at the top of the mountain, we taro a paper clip on the ground, and we will use a magnet for small interesting paper clip . What happens is that a magnet, it will be interesting small paper clip and attached with a magnet . Reflect the gravitational pull objects of mount defeated by the magnetic field that is very small
                 And Then continued to a string theory that says that Irianese all atoms , Irianese is not a small balls  (we always mikirnya atom2 were shaped bank voted), but as a string that are vibrated. I am sure to detail . According to memory I reason string theory is believed to be true, because when two atoms, which is very small size near one another , but an even greater gravitational force very great (perhaps reached infinite (unlimited), from the formula F = (G m1 m2)/r e^2, as the distance between the atoms almost reached 0, then an even greater gravitational force will be increased nearly infinite (unlimited (this from book that I have read, if one seeking revised ).  That is why it was assumed that it is impossible that atoms that form the ball size is very small, and more correct if I say it's a string , so this phenomenon this strange does not happen. 

As a result of a string basically is only lengthwise in 2 dimensional alone, while that we know our world is composed of at least 3 dimension ( that can be caught man), then the concept string theory is so that it was not suitable. Then he made the concept M-Theory that  string is not only extends 2 dimension, but to many dimensions (as many as M-dimensional) , and called as M -Theory.

If there is one I apologize will I revised  ;) and hopefully it will benefit :) 


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