Kamis, 16 Januari 2014

MIB in real world

                                 Men in Black many known as big-screen movie  starring  actor comedians Will Smith But only a few people know that there was actually in real life nor, alias it is not entirely fiction!! Some of the histories and even alluded to the group of people who mysterious that meteth to those things comes from overseas space.

                               The real world, the definition of Men in Black (or abbreviated as MIB) are not the ones who wore a black suit neat, working as secret service agents government and alien is assigned to combat. Quite the contrary!! Men in Black is the title for those who wears totally black clothes and usually approach eye witness who has ever seen ufo. Especially if the witnesses living creature was face to face with outer space, And from various testimony and interview with the people who had visited as MIB, it turns out that their purpose is menyalahkann go into the witness and lead them, that they see not alien!! But it is only one of the definitions are circulating about Men in Black change into wealthy many who have another opinion.

                             A writer American named Jerome Clarck said that as MIB is not always dressed as self-black. According to Clarck, the title is generic term that describes those who look good habits outside or eccentric. They sometimes wear clothes that have been long  or old-fashioned, uniform USAF (United States Air Force) or even wearing a model that later would be booming in the future.

                              The agents described as MIB Most always wear sunglasses as accessories duty, where those who are suspected to cover their eyes form as it has eyes slant . There are also those who said that if eye -shaped as MIB agents weird and big because of the influence thyroid gland , some even believe that forms their eyes like alien gray!! Because they are special agents, it is not impossible that their way of life also dealt with in particular . In addition, the agents fingers as MIB is also reported to be longer than normal human being and their voice is similar to a robot. A Complement other that usually used is a car cadillac antique black somehow seemed always like new.


                                 The phenomenon as MIB it turns out that never was very popular in the year 1950 and 1960. At the time was noted that some agents as MIB never intimidating in a reporter who lives in  pinewood, West Virginia. Reporter was forced to stop writing articles about the existence as MIB in pinewood, that he sent in local newspapers and national. It is worth noting that pinewood itself is an area is  a popular with the end of the era nicknamed Mothman in 1960. The phenomenon Mothman any time will not be directly strengthened assumption that as MIB beroprasi in Pinewood to investigate the creature Mothman.

                               Reports of Men in Black most detail happened in 1976 where a man named Dr. Herbert Hopkins, 58-year-old  , reports that he had been visited by Men in Black. Hopkins who had profession as a consultant on UFO when my wife called by a person who admitted as Vice President of New Jersey UFO Research Organization that want to talk - talk experimenting with it. The strange thing is that person, who wore a dress as self-black, has already emerged in the house veranda several minutes after Dr. Hopkins put the shaft telephone!! He also met with many clumsiness while talking with his guest.

                                       Many a strange thing about appearance, on the horns and the utterances of the people, causing the emergence of numerous theories concerning their identity that is the truth. Some conspiracy theory that if agent as MIB is not a man, but race hybrid human-alien. They were on duty clean all intervention physical evidence about alien that are left in the earth. Thus the appearance as MIB agents look different from ordinary people. But there were also those who believe that they are agents government (for example CIA ) who is trying to cover up appearance UFO.

Their action ?

                                The agents  as MIB described always work with very professional, thorough and systematic. They will examine and learn all the information from those who would be they contact, to detail even the . Furthermore, the agents as MIB look very well trained to adjust themselves according to the situation and the conditions that can change at any time. But their behavior cannot be beaten price alias can different of each tailor made. Sometimes they can behave like secret agent who tried to unravel and collect data as much as possible about the phenomenon that is seen by subject interrogation. But on the other hand they can also be applied like ordinary people who ensure that the phenomenon that is seen witness is not clear.

                     The agents  as MIB sometimes acted very seriously , but also can be very friendly and full of humor in certain situations. Uniquely , several witnesses said that the behavior they like robots that are already in the program, so their reaction to very clumsy when entering situsi beyond expectations.


             Although the phenomenon as MIB many have been reported in the year 1950 -1960, some researchers such as John Keel find similarities between report on the action as MIB with note appearance Satan. He explained that the appearance of the agent as MIB is also parallel with the myth and myth of those who met with the devil. A military , Jerome Clarck quoting the Bill More which stated that  "Men in Black is government staff working in camouflage, a member of special unit called Air Force Intteligence or now also known as Air Force Special Operations Center (AFSAC).

              The conspiracy theorists who also was quoted by Jerome Clarck came from Dr. Michael D. Swords, Dublin, who explained that as MIB processes referred to in special unit of CIA officer who examine psychological experiment man. They are struggling with the individual who is considered high risk in endangering national security, because He knows many secret archives government. Thus diugaskanlah agents from a Special AFFTC Det 3 to make sure they remained close your mouth!!
   It is a little story about as MIB (men in black) thank you and may add knowledge  :)


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