On 21 December 2012, all calendars is exhausted at the same
How the Mayans and Pre-Colombinic tribes are counting the days by making nodes on a rope, and the later vertices are stored in the vase and placed in a vase made of ceramic and placed dikuil temple of the sun or moon.Dalam pembuatan kalendar baktun ini mereka membuatnya secara terbalik, mereka some how menyebut 13 baktun adalah The Age of Wind dan 65 baktun adalah End of Great Cycle.
Intrestingly enough that nearly 65 baktun equivalent of 26,000 years, which means moderent equivalent calculation for the "Precession of the equinoxes" (25 796 years). Coincidentally end of calendar baktun is 65 in 2012
How the Mayans and Pre-Colombinic tribes are counting the days by making nodes on a rope, and the later vertices are stored in the vase and placed in a vase made of ceramic and placed dikuil temple of the sun or moon.Dalam pembuatan kalendar baktun ini mereka membuatnya secara terbalik, mereka some how menyebut 13 baktun adalah The Age of Wind dan 65 baktun adalah End of Great Cycle.
Intrestingly enough that nearly 65 baktun equivalent of 26,000 years, which means moderent equivalent calculation for the "Precession of the equinoxes" (25 796 years). Coincidentally end of calendar baktun is 65 in 2012
Every 25.796 years north star position is always changing, this is caused because of the position of the earth's elliptical. The position of the north star is Polaris located in the constellation Pisces and will change toward the constellation Aquarius in 2012.
At this time the Earth is expected to enter a period of the Great Ice Age for about 3000 yr before the ice melts and the age of humanity begin to flourish again. There are some major events that pulled back so it coincides with the division 12 times constellation based precission of Equinox.
The first time when it was published it was in the days of Roman Greece is at about 3-4 century BC. In those days, the sky observations showed that the earth was in Aries period and headed into Pisces period. If you follow Astrology Greek then it is the end times leading to 5 to 6 times.
The Ages of Summer
First Age, Age of Leo 10948 BC \
Second Age \ Age of Cancer \ 8788 BC \
Third Age \ Age of Gemini \ 6628 BC \
The Ages of Autumn
Fourth Age \ Age of Taurus \ 4468 BC
Fifth Age \ Age of Aries \ 2308 BC \
Sixth Age Age of Pisces \ 148 BC \
The Ages Of Winter
Seventh Age \ Age of Aquarius 2012 AD \
Eighth Age \ Age of Capricorn 4172AD \
Ninth Age \ Age of Sagittarius 6332 AD \
The Ages Of Spring
Tenth Age \ Age of Scorpio \ 8492 AD
Eleventh Age \ Age of Libra \ 10652 AD \
Twelfth Age \ Age of Virgo 12812 AD \
We're at the end of Pisces and into the future Aqurius. And that means we're switching jg of The Ages of Autumn toward Winter Ages. According to multiple streams of Non Gnostics, they believe that the second coming of Jesus will occur in the Age Of Aquarius. They assume that the illustrations are in the Gospels suggests that Jesus, when he began to spread his message he recruit 12 students who started from a fisherman.
According to them this is Simbolasi His coming on Age Of Pisces that he would "Fishing The Ages". And when He will establish the Passover, his disciples asked where are they going to hold the Passover? Jesus said that when you get into town, you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house which he entered. This festival is the Last Supper of Jesus before his crucifixion eventually.
According to this view, the fact that this is the
symbolization of the arrival of The Age Of Aqurius and Jesus to symbolize The
Age Of Pisces will end. FYI, when Christianity / Christians are forbidden goods
in the Roman area there, his use of symbols "fish" as a sign. Bhasa
fish in Greek is IXTHUS and if we draw a symbol such as fish / alpha.
And incidentally also with various Warning on Global Warming. World on the brink of flooding due to the melting dikutub. And Aquarius is symbolized by a man carrying a pitcher of water and poured the water.
At the age of Gemini, in Egypt a king named Nemers
successfully unites northern and southern Egypt and he is wearing the Crown
referred Nesut Twin Biti. He may be said to be the king of evolving science and
technology in Egypt with the knowledge of Astrology and infrastructure
development megalith.
And the Sphinx, Many Archaeologists concluded that the Sphinx was founded about 4500 years ago, the 4th dynasty era. But geologists have a different opinion based on observations of erosion and stones on the body condition of the Sphinx, they menemnukan that such erosion caused by rain with high rainfall and also no sign of erosion due to flooding where it did not happen for more than 12,000 years in the Sahara .
They concluded Sphinx megalithikum established in the last days, or about 10,000 yrs BC and incidentally coincides with The Age Of Leo. Egyptology expert then compile the map position of the Sphinx when it was built in the Age of Leo, and they found that an astonishing hasl Pyramid and Sphinx position coincides with the position of Orion's belt that leads to the constellation Leo the future.
Well, there are many who can tell the truth of "The Coming of Ages" after the year 2012 and deals with many of its mythology and legends such as Sumerian Nibiru until fairly modern as Chevalier du zodiac, and so on.
but we wrote to save time. Thank you for reading may be useful ;)
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