Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

history of Ark Of the Covenant


              Picture above is a reflection replica objects that most feared in the period of Old Testament.
                 Santiri portrayed At least that is how it was so strong and very influential to the Children of Israel since the exodus out of the land of Egypt. However, the objects, is now has gone by the time, away from history, and there was no one who knew which is now. Postinganku this time will try to deal with history of the object.

                           Starting from Jerusalem, the City that may be too sacred to many people. In the middle lies a hill named Mount Moriah, which is now to this site Dome of the Rock / Qubbah-Sakhrah as an extraordinary event. In addition Dome of the Rock, dikompleks (Al-Haram-Sharif) there are Masjidil Haram Intifada. From here, Muhammad saas offered up to heaven (Sidratul Muntaha) in the Mi'raj (ascension. Long Before that, Issa Jesus/s heal the blind and the sick here, so for the Christians also call for holy land. 1000 years previously, King Solomon's preaching to build the temple originally in this mountain to keep things mysterious which is called the Ark of the Covenant or the Ark of the covenant which contains Ten Commandments (10) command from God.
                                                Dome of the Rock / Qubbah-Sakhrah
                      At that time, this place is the center of Jewish religion. How the ark, until here and how it could be gone from here? It is a puzzle that invite obsession. What has happened to the old testament things more important in this so that it could be gone?
                        The stories the Ark, which began more than 3000 years ago. One lead 2 million people to Sinai Desert. Divine intervention is needed on a scale that extraordinary and he will get it. They were Moses Musa/ who led his people out of slavery in Egypt, Three months have walked division of the red sea after the miracles ofthe ark is divided the red sea divided 2, Presiding over the Ark was borne, overijssel by priests into the bed of the Jordan, the river was separated, opening a an anaerobic process where for the whole of the host to pass over (Josh. 3:15-16; 4:7-18)), He brought the children of Israel to Mount Sinai. God would pour out  a gift that there had never been to the people. 

                              Of the hundreds existing law in the Old Testament all seems sent down from a place. But not with 10 major law that has been brought Moses came down from Mount Sinai. There are ten commandments which was sent to Moses on Mount Sinai, and the orders written on two stone tablets Moses also made a./a vessel, which is used to store the ten commandments which was conveyed to him in the Mount Sinai ,which is what we call as the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was made very specific, tangible crate with a length 1.2 meters, the width 61 cm, and was 61 cm. Made of wood hard material called acacia (known orleh the Egyptians as wood from the tree of life, the outside and it gilded with pure gold. The corners the ark had no 4 gold wedding ring, where poles which also gilded with gold can be put to bring the Ark. He Closed that is also referred to as "a footstool god" must also made of pure gold, where a statue angels winged gold (the cherubim) are also placed at the ends of the above and face each other.
The Ark, working as a continuation directly to Moses at God. (whether a means of communication between the stars spt told bung Spitzen?) will appear bright clouds above closed gold in between the cherubim, when God wanted to convey a to his servants. God commanded only ministers from the tribe of Levi, who can bring. Weight the ark, perhaps several hundred pounds, but according to legend he can be lifted himself even though there is no one who picked him up.

                                    There is no one, even a minister that were numbered of the Levites may be I stared at her. So, they are always covered it with garment of blue, and skins of animals. Since the beginning, the ark had appeared dangerous side. a few days later , the two nephews Moses tried to contribute to the Ark, and both of them directly died in the flames. The cherubim According to legend, sprinkle upon without stopping, burned up the objects touch it. The Ark, accompanied by the house of Israel 40 years old him while they wander around and fought with the ark., the children of Israel to be able to conquer promised land. Things are contained power and interests that are not terbayangkan, According to the story in the Bible Jews, the ark, it was brought in before the troops in every battle, every battle during capture the children of Israel will land of Canaan. He is constantly being brought in the war to an enemy can defeat and the Ark will always be in the front line. There are no records extraordinary that the ark was lifted up from the ground. fly toward pointed toward an enemy, and bring those voices a groan like lightning.

                            One person malang called Uzzah, only intended to stabilize the Ark is currently appears to be moved when raised by the ministers Levi, and he immediately died in the flames. Besides, Moses ordered in order to create tent/tents to put the Ark. Not to protect them from the man, but it is the other way around. First military victory and the most well-known from the ark, namely the collapse the wall of the city  Jericho/Jericho. Who were on duty Ministers Levi took the Ark, moved it around walled city , once a day for 6 days. On the day to-7, they went around 7 times and blew sengkala At once the wall of the city were  also collapsed.
                           300 Years later, the Ark, from the Children of Israel and the impact is very bad for them. High priests ignore obligations When they sacrifice, the Ark, did not protect them in the war against the Philistines. 30 Thousand people were killed  and the Philistines took the ark. However, the seven months later the Philistines bring him back. A pandemic tumors and mice spread of the Ark.

                        Finally, under King David ( Dawud And ), Israel would be able to defeat the Philistines, and they win last defense of its opponents. Then, the City Jerusalem, which were used as the capital. God told David established the Temple to place the ark, but his son Solomon's preaching that mebangunnya. Because this case, Mount Moriah highest point" to "in the city  .

                  Solomon's Temple for vision, it is not like a man has ever seen. Only wood and stone cedar best that are used to make it, and the focal point high soaring up to 20-storey. Solomon owed to raise it up, so he  must give 20 villages front for the kingdom's neighbors. After examining still contains two stone ten commandments of God that are stored in the Ark, Solomon and placed them in the middle of Tabernacles and It is Only Holy One high priests that can be approached and entered storage space, even then, they must check-in by using special clothes (special clothes what yah kira2?) to burn incense holder.

Then, how about things that contains the presence of God can pass away? Now, where is the ark is? It is a puzzle its biggest .
                     Many people are still looking for the ark until this time, and it started from the Temple built Solomon as a place to keep the Ark. But now, there is nothing artifacts or stone that show where exactly the ark stood on the Mountain Temple Jerusalem. Wailing Wall, the famous perhaps now is a valuable Jewish holy site. The wall is a remnant of the Temple was the second built over the centuries after the ark will disappear. Some worshippers here waiting for it is time companions of the Hill Temple Dome of the Rock for Islam and the Temple was destroyed. Jews to-3 will be established in the area. This is one of the factors that cause great without stopping disputes between Israel and the Palestinians until now. (no politics here)
                   According to Perjanijian for a long time, the Ark were placed there around 955 BC. But, in around 620 BC the reference about artifacts more important in Jewish religion was stopped. Will Vanish as soon as it from history. Only one thing is clearly the only, the crisis of bencara internal and external that can bring the Ark of the Temple. The first Back in accordance with this is Egyptian pharaohs attacks called Shishak, a few years after the Temple was built by a scenario is Illogical Shishak. it is this inspires Indiana Jones adventure in Egypt in the movie Indiana Jones : Raiders of the Lost Ark.
                  Resources Egyptian pharaohs stressed that named Sheshonq that attack Israel in around 1000 BC, and brought much wealth Of course, to Tanis. our heroes, Indiana Jones found the ark in there while pursue by NAZI army. But unfortunately for the fans Stephen Spielberg, it seems clear Sheshonq never city  Jerusalem. Because He only  is satisfied with you to send a heap wealth and tribute in order not to attack Jerusalem. What is referred to as their property and tribute was the ark of the covenant? How big is not likely?

                            The answer is simple, but if he is not. It is impossible for them willing to objects tersucinya. Moreover, the reference that the ark is still being in the Temple Jewish Passover Holy time in the era of Hosea in around 620 BC. But 30 years later, in 587 BC, appeared condition, according to many scholars explain the disappearance the ark. Its Temple City and been occupied and plundered the Babylonian led by the king Nebuchadnezzar well-known. It appears that the ark was brought in by the military Babylonia. But wait a minute, the Babylonian Empire was bureaucrats and recorder that are very good and they detail everything that is taken from the Temple. One thing that is clearly not noted that the Ark of the Covenant, the objects in the Temple. The Babylonian Empire is not their cuneiform (wedge-shaped) among spoil because it was not there. So, where the ark?
           Perhaps there is no one knows where in this time, and they are. However, there was hope critical for all who believe that the Ark, there are still in the world and has not been destroyed. There may be a person who is astute enough menyelundupakan the ark went out of the Temple before danger to condition.
References : 
*Eleanor Grant, Search for the Ark of the Covenant
*Graham Phillips, the Templars and the Ark of the Covenan



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