Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Gladiator, Kill or be Killed ?

                 You've been watching the Hunger Games, or you've never seen action in the movie Gladiator Russel Crowe. All the above games have the same concept, which is kill or be killed.
Now at this time I will discuss about Gladiators. 

What is a gladiator?
                Gladiators are the ones who will fight to the death at the time of ancient Rome. The Romans enjoyed this fight as entertainment. If the audience gave them a thumbs down, it means "the mercy of the funeral." Gladiator was first known in the first Punic War in 264 BC. Junius Brutus (Decimus Iunius Brutus Scaeva) nobleman and his two sons, Marcus and Decimus, Etruscan has a habit of reviving the slaves fight in a funeral ceremony of a great leader. It is believed the victim would please the gods. In the ceremony, which took place in the Forum Boarium, three pairs of slaves fight to the death. Most gladiators were prisoners of war or slaves, criminals,. They are trained at the school, which is owned by the Roman Government. They use wooden swords for training. The gladiator fights, an artificial lake which is sometimes used. sometimes Gladiators against the ship. When a man-made lake that is not in use, they will stand against wild animals. Tigers, buffaloes, Lions, bears, elephants, animals and what they can Discover the good will be butchered or butcher a slave. The fight lasted about 700 years. In the modern era of modern sports such as boxing and wrestling take root from the gladiator fights.

A common type of gladiator types known: 
1. The secutor 

           The Secutor, also known as the Hunter, whose name was seen from his fighting techniques. Secutor pursues his opponent throughout the arena. He wears a helmet with a round hole round eyes that are very small. his right arm is covered with leather or metal bands, and brings a short sword or dagger. With his left hand he carries a shield on his left foot, and he put on the foot guard is called okrea, so the left side is absolutely protected.

2.The Retiarius 

            The Retiarius fought with three-pointed spear called Trident. He also uses the net. His strategy is to trap your opponent with the nets, and then stabbing it with his Trident. If your opponent is dead, he can retract his nets as it has a cable that can pull the nets back. The nets also have used ballast so it can trap the opponent easier. Retiarius hardly has any pelindiung suits. He wore a protective sleeve on his left with flat pieces of metal.

3. Hoplomachus (hoplomachi) 

               Hoplomachus (hoplomachi) is a heavyweight boxer and slaves with protector legs of steel. He was dressed in shorts and helmets with feather ornaments on it. Hoplomachus equipped with small round shield and a long spear that allows him to attack distance. Until Augustus reign, they called the Samnites, but after he became emperor they referred Hoplomachus.

4. The Murmillo (murmillones) 

             The Murmillo (murmillones) also called human fish. It was identified from his helmet that is scaly. It uses short sword and a large round shield to protect his right leg that is not shaded. Murmillo are generally pitted the retiarius. This is kind of the opposite, because the Retiarius ' trying to catch their opponents in the net! Even though he looks unprotected, Rome is classified as a slave the heavyweight fighter because of large shields.


              Thracian slave is a lightweight fighter carrying small-sized rectangular shield called Parma and a curved sword called the Sica. Big top place Alonso at Benetton has in the form of griffin. They use a very high gaiters, who got to the top of the thigh. Thracians have always struggled against the heavyweight Gladiators (usually murmillo or hoplomachi).

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

the Roman empire built in 1 day? WOWW


                     According to the report, an American site that archaeologists discovered a shocking mystery, where the latest evidence finally prove that the ancient Roman Empire was built on August 13 in 625 b.c. and completed completed before sunset. When reporters asked them where to get the evidence, archeologists took out a scroll, i.e. a document and the contract signed by Julius Caesar.

                Some of the Latin-speaking in the contract that if translated are as follows: "We the developer Aljeida Babylon agreed, that on 13 August in 625 BC this will get to work and complete the building of the Roman Empire, if we can't get it done in a specified time, India should we cut off the head of Caesar and give it to the Lions as a meal. "
 According to the archaeologists, that absolute proof of this effect, and the skilled worker must have been within one day of complete the construction of the city of Rome, for they did not find anything the rest of the fossil head is severed. In fact, documents this exact same Caesar Raj with a cloth wrapping corpses, believable but also dubious. And now, scientists are estimating the age of the actual contents of the scrolls that use way of determining year with carbon.

           People know of subjects in schools, that the Roman Empire roughly 280 thousand square meters, and it includes a number of cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and some theaters, many once pipeline water, sewer water, Archway, museums, the Cathedral Church of gilded with gold, and pizza huts and so on, which all had to be in one day, meaning that it must be solved within 12 hours, completely beyond imagination.

Architect named Flayter said, "within one day, team building project I could not even finish a parapet. In the view of the image scale the city of Rome, my company have to spend hundreds of years could complete the entire new construction project of the Kingdom of Rome. "
              If the condition represented the document were true, then scientists and architects will now mired again into a maze of new, they are not able to explain how people at that time can complete the construction of the Roman Empire the vastness of 280 thousand square meters of it in just over 12 hours.

              Rogyes historians argue, that all of this is just like building a pyramid, is the mystery of all time, can only imagine that a number of objects that are controlled by people at that time had been lost was not terwariskan, and the technology we now can't compete with him. First of all they were building the pyramids, the next they made the face of a lion statue of a human body, and later they built the Tower etc., as well as a mysterious and unique buildings are innumerable. If it is true that it is remarkable and certainly a question is how workers who are needed to build the Kingdom in 12 hours?

Voynich Manuscript

           what is  Voynich Manuscript ??    
                Voynich Manuscript is a manuscript text within passwords secret writings, is estimated to contain about science. Voynich manuscript is considered "the most Mysterious Manuscript in the world" until today this medieval artifacts rejected all attempts to translate (owner of course not manuscriptnya). Well then how biased unreadable? the paper named the same as the discoverer of a dealer and collector of antique books America, Wilfrid m. Voynich, who found the manuscript in 1912, found it among a pile of ancient manuscript collection near Rome.

              Based on calligraphy, painting, velum and astringent color voynich estimates that these manuscripts are written in the twentieth century 13. the first Book contains approximately 270 pages are now 246 pages.The film contains 212 pages of illustrated text and text-only pages and .33 page which contains the last key. This paper also abound with paintings include:
-unknown Plants
-herbal recipes can be said
-a petite woman naked revelers in bathtubs connected by piping the intricate that apparently lending as part of the anatomy.
-Chart/map of the mysterious astronomical objects in the form seen from telescopes and some living cells that are seen from the microscope.

Content in the paper is also divided into 5 categories namely:
1. The the earliest and most of which contains about 130 pages containing pictures of plants with accompanying text and mention the Division of Botany.
2. Contains about astronomy in nature as much as 26 page
 3. 28 page (s) containing pictures that look like biological in nature.
4. a page which contains 34 pictures of pharmaceutical-related in nature.
5.23 page created with a short paragraph that originally started with the star.

           Since the voynich manuscript to date still refuse to be translated (again which had not manuscripts) people thought this was a hoax or indeed possible password password we can not solve.The content and the origin of the manuscript also making a continuous debate.Whether true or not voynich manuscript according to me personally was the one thing that is very interesting to review his progress. Because wrote the script to the 260 page more bristles chicken had not yet been drawn must be very exhausting isn't it? 

Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Dimension to 11 people? Is it true?

                This time try wrote about the dimension to 11 people , It was assumed that there were 11 human dimension. But what can we feel only 3 dimension . 
                The parable him like fish in a aquarium. The fish live without know what's happening outside aquarium . Even so, with people who live in the world 3 dimensions, we won't know what's happening outside the world 3 dimensional us.
                If that causes the dimensions so there were 11 I also know how his theory, a little bit complicated possible. But setau I started his theory of the theory super symmetry, then go to a string theory, and finally to M-Theory that explains that the world we have 11 dimensions. 
                Super Theory as symmetry said that before it happens big bang, to-4 fundamental forces (later we will discuss 4 fundamental forces ;) ) join became a force that are usually called  super force. And when space and time to develop, super force was to terpisah2 to 4 fundamental forces that we know now. But there is a strange thing from this event, which is one of fundamental forces are very weak compared with the 3 fundamental forces other, namely gravity. It was assumed that gravity is very weak because gravity must pass through to 11 other dimensions when separated from super force. An example that gravitational force, it is very weak is, try at the top of the mountain, we taro a paper clip on the ground, and we will use a magnet for small interesting paper clip . What happens is that a magnet, it will be interesting small paper clip and attached with a magnet . Reflect the gravitational pull objects of mount defeated by the magnetic field that is very small
                 And Then continued to a string theory that says that Irianese all atoms , Irianese is not a small balls  (we always mikirnya atom2 were shaped bank voted), but as a string that are vibrated. I am sure to detail . According to memory I reason string theory is believed to be true, because when two atoms, which is very small size near one another , but an even greater gravitational force very great (perhaps reached infinite (unlimited), from the formula F = (G m1 m2)/r e^2, as the distance between the atoms almost reached 0, then an even greater gravitational force will be increased nearly infinite (unlimited (this from book that I have read, if one seeking revised ).  That is why it was assumed that it is impossible that atoms that form the ball size is very small, and more correct if I say it's a string , so this phenomenon this strange does not happen. 

As a result of a string basically is only lengthwise in 2 dimensional alone, while that we know our world is composed of at least 3 dimension ( that can be caught man), then the concept string theory is so that it was not suitable. Then he made the concept M-Theory that  string is not only extends 2 dimension, but to many dimensions (as many as M-dimensional) , and called as M -Theory.

If there is one I apologize will I revised  ;) and hopefully it will benefit :) 

What a coincidence ??


                   There is no coincidence that strange from the former President USA Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy,  please be observed attentively by chance or not all depends on your ;)

1) Abraham Lincoln was chosen to Congressman in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congressman exactly a century later 1946.
2) Lincoln was chosen to become president in 1860, Kennedy exactly a century later 1960.
3) They fight for civil rights, related to "black people".
4) Both died on Friday. Lincoln was shot in the day Thursday but had been confirmed dead on a bed by doctors on Friday.
5) Assassin John Wilkes Booth (shooter Lincoln) was born in 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald (shooter Kennedy) was born exactly a century later 1939. But that one is confusing due Oswald not consistent with the call on his birth ( 1838 - 1939).
6) The president was killed were shot from behind the head, in front and wife them.
7) Second murderer killed before a court in the court.
8) Lincoln was killed in Ford's Theater, Kennedy on a car Ford.
9) Officials our replacement for the president was killed, co-called "Johnson" is derived from the Democrat Party the South .
10) Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and run hid a warehouse. Oswald shot Kennedy from the warehouse and ran away to a theater.
11) Secretary Lincoln called the "  John" warned Abraham Lincoln not to go to the theater. The Secretary Kennedy called the "  Lincoln" warned John F. Kennedy not to go to Dallas.
12) Both our lost a son when they served in the White House.
13) Andrew Johnson was born in 1808; Lyndon Johnson was born exactly a century later 1908.
14] The name  'Lincoln' and '  Kennedy' co-consists of 7 letter. The murderer them 'John Wilkes Booth' and '  Lee Harvey Oswald' co-consists of 15 letters. Replacement of The ' Andrew Johnson' and '  Lyndon Johnson' co-consists of 13 letters .

By chance?

A short history the sumerian

                       Sumerian is a human civilisations World's oldest which is located in the Middle Eastern region in history (around 3,500 - 2,300 of BC)  the Sumerian city is located in the area of ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq -East) from the record 4th century earliest BC until the emergence in the twentieth century Babylon 3 BCE. They have found crops and have irrigation system. Their buildings made of mud. They adhere to the religion also Politheisme (more than one god/gods).
                 The Sumerian often called ' civilization that suddenly appears '.  This is because it is culturally which suddenly emerged at the end of 5000 BC without the process of evolution, like many cultures that world . In many history books mentioned,that the Sumerian always called the oldest human cultural , is located between the rivers Euphrat and Tigris , Mesopotamia (now to the territory of Iraq).  In relative short time , cultural the Sumerian developing countries to forward culture, which controls knowledge mathematics, science, astrology, architecture, agriculture, and admitted to inventor accessible, militaristic weapons, and most important is the system writing first in the world. How cultural that most ancient and primitive can have the knowledge as advanced as it? When traced, cultures that emerged after it was only able to adopt some-only some of the total cultural the Sumerian earlier.

                   Sumer until this time it was admitted that it is still difficult to attain, unlike other cultures in the world. This is because in the heritage of its breakaway there is a cross between 'reality' and '  myths'. For example, one of the things that promote the birth "madness" opinion is one of them when we see astronomical knowledge progress the Sumerian that it would indeed be amazed , for example modern man they know the objects heaven without the help telescope, plus they are convinced that  asteroid belt (from whom they know?) is coming from a devastated planet , the so-called heavens with Tiamat, which destroyed by colliding with with the month of Nibiru.

                   But in essence, Sumer is based on the belief  that explains Polytheistic cause and effect between the gods and men. Gods called Annunaki (sometimes Ananaki) which means ' them with the blood count' or can also mean son of heaven (Anu) and (Na) of the Earth  (Ki) or more popular translated as "Those who come from the sky".  But never mentioned the Sumerian Annunaki as the Gods, but 'din.gear'. 'Din' means  'pure, pure, light, bright', and ' gear' is often used to describe things that could lead sharply lower. So 'din.gear" can be interpreted 'they are pure and is derived from the object that could lead sharply'.  Other nickname is 'Elu' which means 'those that are high " which then evolved into the language Babylonia, Assyrian, and Jews to 'EL' - dikonotasikan by the Greeks as a "God." However, the form 'gods' Sumerian, and what role the them among the oldest in the history of mankind modern?

Zero Point Energy: Energy from nothing?

                           Over the last few decades scientists dreaming new energy source cheap, safe -powered, is also guaranteedly pollution, and overwhelming. Is it possible for this energy can be realized instead of a vacuum?
                           At around 17th-century who holds a vacuum to make is enough to suck who fill out all the material room was that in this case is the molecular air. Then in the 19th century people realize in a vacuum that is made in this way, will still remain thermal radiation, which is caused by the difference radiation high temperatures. To eliminate thermal radiation, just cool room temperature absolute zero was in. In theory, the temperature is no thermal radiation and all these particles will live and pool will be empty of particles that milled about.
                          But the result recent research shows it would be a new one . In a vacuum as above there are still radiation that is still there are even temperature has been sent down to absolute zero. Radiation is called the " zero point radiation", it bears as it was in accordance with nature that is still appeared in temperatures absolute zero, and energy its power plants is called the " zero point energy" (ZPE).

           The ZPE indeed has been estimated theoretically in the theory mechanics Quantum. Paul Dirac Statistics, one founder of the theory of the mechanics quantum, has been a vacuum suggested that truly inside it contains high-energy particle negative. New concept this nurture that "empty physically" is not completely empty handed. Quantum Mechanics predicted that these particles could not be seen this can be changed exist to real matter in a very short period of time and produce style that can be measured. The statement Dirac Statistics above is one of the uncertainty principle the implications of that is claimed by a scientist at the German archaeologist Werner Principle at the end of 1927. This principle at the core said that it is impossible for we know in science all property owned by a particle on one-time but will always be there is uncertainty in a certain amount. For example, we could not understand position and velocity particles both in science. The more accurate we measure speed a particle, his position is getting inaccurate, and so too instead. Uncertainty is applied in general, does not depend on the method and instrument that is used, and cannot be avoided.

           The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics and is that there is a fundamental phenomenon that cannot be is predicted by the laws classical physics. For example: classical physics, according to the law a pendulum swings slowly will slow swings because friction and finally live article focused to recognize these delicate balances. In theory quantum mechanics, pendulum will not be never actually be lived in the equilibrium. Pendulum will always swinging randomly around the kesetimbangannya. These random Movement due to a phenomenon that is known as quantum fluctuations. But practically is very difficult to observe quantum fluctuations in things like a relatively large pendulum hours. Quantum fluctuations which have been observed in the matter of atoms or electron shells.

                 ZPE is the result of quantum fluctuations that occur randomly from a vacuum energy as foretold by uncertainty principle Principle. In that case the above, energy that cause hanger to move around the silence is ZPE. Although ZPE in the case above is very small. But there are so many possibilities propagation mode that penjumlahannya will produce ZPE is very big . In some cases, fluctuation that there should be big enough to create particles spontaneously from emptiness, although it will eventually be cut off again before violate uncertainty.

        From all the phenomenon fluctuations zero point, fluctuation of energy elektoromagetik which is very easy in detecting and measured. One of the eksperiment that has been done is known as the stock exchange Casimir (in take from the name scientists, who was first found it, Hendrik B. G. Casimir), this effect showed that there are two plate metal nearest to each other in a great distance are very, very close (in the range around one per one million meters) will arise style each other interesting between the two plate . This style is still appear even in a vacuum absolute zero and at high temperature, to be evidence of the ZPE.

         ZPE in apparently played an important role in various other phenomenon. Why gas helium cannot be frozen (helium is the only one element that could not achieve solid despite temperature phase absolute zero) was suspected to be made ZPE is the cause. Some other research found an anomaly physics that was suspected to be the result of energy conversion from ZPE. The physicists also try to connect the gravitational pull and electromagnetic field as the implications of ZPE.

      Then the question is, How big potential ZPE? Two scientists, Richard Feynman and John Wheeler calculated that energy from the vacuum size bulb , can have a lot more than enough energy to vaporize all the water in the ocean. It is the potential of this is very big. The challenge is how tap into energy of the to be utilized. If human beings are able to create technology ZPE, the energy crisis will be solved and environmental destruction caused by pollution from its use fuel oil, or nuclear waste can be eliminated. Even if it's not it is impossible for a human being able to go to explore space with the machine ZPE. It is amazing !