Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

Gladiator, Kill or be Killed ?

                 You've been watching the Hunger Games, or you've never seen action in the movie Gladiator Russel Crowe. All the above games have the same concept, which is kill or be killed.
Now at this time I will discuss about Gladiators. 

What is a gladiator?
                Gladiators are the ones who will fight to the death at the time of ancient Rome. The Romans enjoyed this fight as entertainment. If the audience gave them a thumbs down, it means "the mercy of the funeral." Gladiator was first known in the first Punic War in 264 BC. Junius Brutus (Decimus Iunius Brutus Scaeva) nobleman and his two sons, Marcus and Decimus, Etruscan has a habit of reviving the slaves fight in a funeral ceremony of a great leader. It is believed the victim would please the gods. In the ceremony, which took place in the Forum Boarium, three pairs of slaves fight to the death. Most gladiators were prisoners of war or slaves, criminals,. They are trained at the school, which is owned by the Roman Government. They use wooden swords for training. The gladiator fights, an artificial lake which is sometimes used. sometimes Gladiators against the ship. When a man-made lake that is not in use, they will stand against wild animals. Tigers, buffaloes, Lions, bears, elephants, animals and what they can Discover the good will be butchered or butcher a slave. The fight lasted about 700 years. In the modern era of modern sports such as boxing and wrestling take root from the gladiator fights.

A common type of gladiator types known: 
1. The secutor 

           The Secutor, also known as the Hunter, whose name was seen from his fighting techniques. Secutor pursues his opponent throughout the arena. He wears a helmet with a round hole round eyes that are very small. his right arm is covered with leather or metal bands, and brings a short sword or dagger. With his left hand he carries a shield on his left foot, and he put on the foot guard is called okrea, so the left side is absolutely protected.

2.The Retiarius 

            The Retiarius fought with three-pointed spear called Trident. He also uses the net. His strategy is to trap your opponent with the nets, and then stabbing it with his Trident. If your opponent is dead, he can retract his nets as it has a cable that can pull the nets back. The nets also have used ballast so it can trap the opponent easier. Retiarius hardly has any pelindiung suits. He wore a protective sleeve on his left with flat pieces of metal.

3. Hoplomachus (hoplomachi) 

               Hoplomachus (hoplomachi) is a heavyweight boxer and slaves with protector legs of steel. He was dressed in shorts and helmets with feather ornaments on it. Hoplomachus equipped with small round shield and a long spear that allows him to attack distance. Until Augustus reign, they called the Samnites, but after he became emperor they referred Hoplomachus.

4. The Murmillo (murmillones) 

             The Murmillo (murmillones) also called human fish. It was identified from his helmet that is scaly. It uses short sword and a large round shield to protect his right leg that is not shaded. Murmillo are generally pitted the retiarius. This is kind of the opposite, because the Retiarius ' trying to catch their opponents in the net! Even though he looks unprotected, Rome is classified as a slave the heavyweight fighter because of large shields.


              Thracian slave is a lightweight fighter carrying small-sized rectangular shield called Parma and a curved sword called the Sica. Big top place Alonso at Benetton has in the form of griffin. They use a very high gaiters, who got to the top of the thigh. Thracians have always struggled against the heavyweight Gladiators (usually murmillo or hoplomachi).


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