Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

all about atlantis

                      It has been 9000 years since the war that took place between those who live outside the Pillars of Heracles and those who live in it. On the one hand, the city of Athens was reported to be the leader of the resistance while the other party is led by the kings of Atlantis, an island that is even larger than Libya and Asia, which later sunk by an earthquake, and became a combat wall is blocking the entire voyage through the ocean " (Critias-360SM)

              It is said that only two records that tell about Atlantis is Timeaus and Critias dialogue, recorded by Plato both around 360SM. This dialogue is a conversation between Socrates (Plato's teacher), Hermocrates, Timeaus and Critias, Socrates describes his version of the ideal society, while Timeaus and Critias tells the story of non-fiction. This story is a story of conflict between the Athenians and the Atlantis 9000 years before the time of Plato. The story that has been forgotten but reappeared brought by Solon (600 BC), a Sage of Hellena is getting orally from Egyptian priests at Sais. Solon convey the story to Dropides, great-grandfather of Critias. Dropides submit it to putrany.
                 For more than 2000 years, Atlantis becomes a fairy tale and a lot of scientists who do not dare to openly acknowledge the existence of Atlantis. But since the Middle Ages, the story of Atlantis became popular in the Western world. Many consider Atlantis (if any) is located in the Atlantic, and some even consider Amerka until Atlantis is located in the Middle East. The population is regarded as a god, an alien, or a superior nation. But most researchers do not provide sufficient evidence or study. Mostly just guess. One of the researchers who claim to have found Atlantis is Robert Sarmast, an American architect of Persian descent. He mentions that Atlantis and the Garden of Eden is the same.
                  The fact that the continent of Atlantis sank slowly because of a series of disasters, including earthquakes. Only a few places on earth that have the inclination and the Atlantic Ocean as it was not included. Sarmast showed that the Mediterranean Sea is the location of atlantis, precisely southeast Cyprus and buried as deep as 1500 meters in the water. Research shows that the surface water in the Mediterranean 5000 years ago is much lower than the present.
                  his was denied by Prof.. Arysio Santos of Brazil. Santos said if Atlantis and the Garden of Eden are the same, then the description should be in line with the rest of the religious traditions and beliefs as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, etc. American Indian beliefs, which tells the story of the Garden of Eden, a place of human origin.
                 Santos accused the invention Sarmast too hasty and only benefit certain parties. With the 'discovery' Sarmast, tourist visits to Cyprusmelonjak sharp. Sarmast research funders, such as editors, film producers, media agencies etc got a big advantage. If Sarmast true, they will also be famous, and if not, they have pocketed huge money. Meanwhile Dr. Pavlos Flurentzos, an archaeologist himself refused Cyprus Sarmast invention, as Plato expressly said that Atlantis was outside the Mediterranean Sea. This statement is supported by Dr. Michel Morisseau, a French geologist who lives on the island of Cyprus. He said 'I'm very surprised mendegar news (discoveries) that because it does not relate at all to the geological facts and we have to be careful if the announcement is "well then Morisseau Sarmant challenge to an open debate.
           Just a day after the announcement dated 14 November 2004, Sarmast has pan rebuttal as 'choose' the location of Atlantis in the Mediterranean area which is one of the most frequently dkunjungi researchers, oceanographer and expert volkanologis.
Santos use a different approach in revealing the location of Atlantis. Myths and traditions of many nations originated from massive flooding and destruction of the Garden of Eden, according to the story of Atlantis. There is no denying that the Atlantis was the Garden of Eden was. Traces the story of Atlantis says, can be found in many sources, not just the dialogue Temaeus and Critias. For example:
 - Alexander the Great, once past a pair of golden pillars of Hercules and Dionysus (aka Atlas) with the same hieroglyph when entering the East region (Indus). Atlas is the twin brother of Hercules. In other words, there is a pair of pillars of Hercules and Atlas in Gibraltar which is the western boundary, and a pair at the end of the Indus as abtas East.
            In Critias mentioned that the golden pillars of written laws, rules and decisions written by the king sacrifice the bull to Poseidon. This ceremony is known as a typical Indus Gomedha commemorating the loss of heaven (Gomeda Dvipa). Another example is the Pillar of Delhi pillar tradition established by King Ashoka to commemorate his victory. Made from a stainless steel intact surviving today without experiencing the slightest oxidation. 2500 years ago a technology that can be inherited from Atlantis. According to Plato Atlantis encased wall of gold, silver, bronze, tin and copper. At that time until now, only a few places in the world which is a major tin producer. One of them is called Tin and Metal Islands, Tashish, Tartessos and other names, is none other than Indonesia. If Plato was right, then the real Atlantis is Indonesia.
             9000 years before the 600SM, is the period of the destruction of Atlantis. The last ice age that caused major flooding going on right 9600SM (11,600 years ago). How Solon can show time with the right? Mayan myths have their origin from the island or continent known as Aztlan, their ancestors were forced to evacuate due to volcanic eruptions that drowned their land. they pass islands in the Pacific Ocean and the journey is written in the Codex Boturini. If Aztlan is Atlantis, the continent was located in the Far East, around Indonesia According to Noel, mythology expert from France, said that the paradise of Hinduism called Svarna Dvipa (Golden Island) in Sanskrit. Svaran Dvipa now called Sumatra, Firaus Park and is considered the epicenter of the earth and is called the Navel of Earth (Mangkubumi Indonesia-Java language).
            Outside of the above evidence, there are many other evidence put forward by Santos with regard geological, archaeological, and oral and oral tradition which suggests that Atlantis is most likely located in the Indus Valley region that stretches from Asia Minor (india) to Indonesia to the center of civilization precisely on the premises.
             Plato reveals three places with the name Atlantis, where one is a small island as its capital. He also called "Ancient Greece" as the enemy and conqueror of Atlantis which he meant as Aryans and Aryanavarta (State The Arya), Atlantis sank. The remains of Atlantis now appears logical memebentuk islands with many volcanoes that are above sea level when disaster strikes. This area was later called by the Greeks as Death areas that are not navigable. Most of the continent of Atlantis sank beneath the South China Sea.
              Atlantis is the second region are some areas of India where sis-the rest of the relics can still be seen in the Ganges and the Indus Valley civilization heritage Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. It can be concluded after humans moved from rumpt desert and desert regions of Africa, they found the ideal climate for growing and developing civilization. All occurred in the Pleistocene (1, 8 million then) which ended 11,600 years ago. Pleistocene ice ages is the sea level of 100-150 meters below today. Ketia ice melt, most of Indonesia and surrounding areas to below the South China Sea under water and drowned nearly 20 million inhabitants. The sinking of Atlantis called Atlantis and Lemuria became Region of Death.
            Residents of Atlantis itself is divided into two, namely the Aryan and Dravidian. Ancestral Land designation (Serendip) is actually a Dravidian language of Taprobane (Sumatra), which is referred to as the Garden of Eden. A place with many names: Sheol (Hell) Jewish oeh to damaged areas. Hades by the Greeks, Amenti or Punt by the Egyptians, Dilmun by Mesopotamia, svarga oeh Hindu, Avalon by the Celts and others. What is told in the Gospel accounts of major disasters recounted in line with Plato and supported by geological and archaeological evidence. Every time we tried to find the source and the record, we always end up in India and Indonesia as two Atlantis.
            Indonesia at that time referred to as the Ultima Thule (Deadline), the border that should not be crossed by boat. Here teletak pair of the Pillars of Hercules and Atlas, speerti Gemini twins, Castor and Pollus taken from the Hindu tradition, Ashvin Twins. Equally just as kebar Seth and Osiris in Egypt. Hercules taste of Bala Rama (Rama mighty). While Atlas (Atlantis) is Krishna.
             These twins represent two blond human race (Aryo-Semites) and red haired (Dravida) who are destined to compete for the world. Deduannya comes from the Garden of Eden (Lemuria). From Lemuria born five human race: red, white, yellow, black and chocolate. War is depicted as Deva battle against Asura in the Hindu, or the Prince of Light against the Prince of Darkness and also called the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Armageddon (Hebrew) Gather Points indeed mean, as Shambhalla in Sanskrit language. That is the place where the two teams meet to resolve differences through war and closing the Kali Yuga era.
              Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet called, calling the two nations as the Law of One Son and Son of Belial who actually comes from one source but then chose two different streets in dealing with their problems to conquer the world as the Son of the Law of One aims to preserve what is there.
              Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet called, calling the two nations as the Law of One Son and Son of Belial who actually comes from one source but then chose two different streets in dealing with their problems to conquer the world as the Son of the Law of One aims to preserve what is there.


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