Kamis, 09 Januari 2014

The Mystery Time Turning Back

       A miracle that created nature clearly and definitely tells us, that in the 20th century that had just passed away, a confusing there was a great things that have understood that turned back.

                        In theory, that time turned back, and return to the past, it is not possible. According to the theory Einstein, time and space can experience changes in the high speed light. So, if a flying object with a speed 300000 km/seconds, then space could be in perpendek, and time can prevent.

                     In the beginning of the year 1994 years ago, a civilian aircraft Italy fly in space, however Africa. All of a sudden, the plane disappeared from radar screen in the living room controls. At a time when the officers in airport attack apprehension, civilian aircraft, re-emerged in the air, and radar can track back signal plane.
                         Finally, civilian aircraft was successfully landed smoothly at the airport Italian territory . But crew members of the airplane, and 315 passengers simply did not know that they had "pass away".  With a sense confused pilot captain said: "The plane we appear to be stable after takeoff from Manila , and there is no incident, but, beyond the officer in the report a loss of control plane, it is not quite normal. But, kenyataannnya cannot be denied by : when she arrived at the airport, passengers late hour every 20 minutes . Even though it is rare but there is a similar incident . According to the records archives, in 1970 years ago, had a similar incident. At that time, it was a passenger aircraft jet 727 also without obvious reason  "lost for 10 minutes in her flight to Miami International airport, the United States. 10 Minutes later, the plane was in her place appear again, and for the next, the plane was suddenly in to their destination. All of the passengers in the plane do not know what has happened, and the reason that eventually will make them believe is because they were each hour late 10 minutes. For this phenomenon, according to the experts the only explanation is: "in a little while "lost, "stop does not move, or in other words time turned back.

Silver Coins into the Temple Modern
                  Just when passenger aircraft Italy , danger in the air in the same year , it was reported that there was a miracle time turning back 4000 years in Egypt:
                 A little money and modern that has not been in edarkan, hidden in the bottom a Temple of the Sun God. At that time, it was a team archeology , which was created by the archaeologist France, arrived in the first human activities on the banks of the River Nile for scientific research. There, they found a Temple the Sun, and until now it is 4000 in its history. Because they never visited by people, the temple had been long breaks down, the only rubble, so it looks quiet and worn-out. When archaeologists have dug these ruins, under a heap, they find ancient stone a little money and was buried under the ground. But strangely, it is not pieces of silver ancient Egypt, but a little money and North ; a more surprising, it is not pieces of silver ancient America, but a little money and the present. However, that is not completely understood is: it is pieces of silver with nominal value 25 cents  US dollars that  have been in print and has not been circulated that are still  left in cash American states, which is planned to be distributed at the end of 1997.
Why pieces of silver as the present can be "are in the temple ancient Egypt in 4000 years ago ? Scientists are really confused made.
Report very secret NATO
             If, because the revolution time and again to the past such as mentioned above is like coincidence and it is not unusual, even there is no doubt. But strangely, a physicist also exposed report very secret of NATO, and the fact that in paints in the report, also surprising : in 1982 years ago, in a flight training from Eastern Europe, suddenly in medan seeing a pilot NATO appeared hundreds was beyond dinosaurs, the plane arrived in the mainland Africa the prehistoric era. In a flight, a pilot also "go astray in the War Germany during World War to-2. pilot Allied forces fighter aircraft and German saw it, and in only one minutes later, he again into reality.

If time could be turned back?
                      In reality, human intelligence is not enough to contain passage of time ; in theory, that time turned back, and return to the past, it is not possible. According to the theory Einstein, time and space can experience changes in the high speed cahaya.jadi if a flying object with a speed of 300  km/second thousands, and it can be in perpendek, and time could be in perlambat. After a physicist from California of University speculate that this related to announce ; man needs to time 200 thousand years to come to the Andromeda from the earth, while in the ships with speed of light only need to 20 years .
However, whether this is beautiful things could happen ? The answer is obvious.
                   For the scientists have found unseen particles that are in the universe even more quickly than the speed of light, in its scientists find : when the plane space force of attraction gravity, passing by gravitational field is converted into energy booster, and in that time, the plane space to fly with speed of light even with speed of light ultra.
                 The experts from America's National Space Agency has formed a "theory resonance medan time, this theory is formed based on "field theory unity, Einstein and physicist from Germany as the basis of the theory. The point is : with the help elasticity development together with elektromagnet, gravity, speed of light and space, right across interstellar space.Until that time, when it starts again is no longer a mystery that they were waiting for the solution. Beyond news, that when speed exceeds speed of light, then time will turn back.


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